Understand club design
Understand club design
Understand how to swing the club efficiently for a bunker shot
Be able to control and adjust lofts from the bunker using the same club
Be able to control impact and distance
Understand how you can improve your body movement in the golf swing
Be able to control spin
*Start your free Bunker Play coaching program by clicking "Start Here" and filling out the form
We also highly recommend that you follow the schedule. Taking these lessons one step at a time will give you the best opportunity to learn and improve.
Enjoy and give us feedback.“
Hugh Marr, PGA and European Tour Coach, Birdietime Chief Golf Officer
Hugh Marr
1. Understand Club Design
2. Understand how to create an effective start position for bunker play
3. Understand how to swing the club efficiently for a bunker shot
1. Retain quality of week one objectives
2. Understand how to add in more specific drills to improve interaction with the sand
3. Understand how to add in more specific drills to improve the impact swing
1. Understand and Implement the High and Low greenside bunker shot
2. Implement new drills that challenge and reinvent your greenside bunker
3. Understand how to add new drills and practice structure into your current and new regimes of practice
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